
この調査回の参加サイト数: 17サイト(未更新含むと47サイト)/取り扱いサイト数: 1サイト(81位)
この調査回の対象番組数: 95番組 /感想率: 0%(95位)/書く率: 1%(89位)
放送期間 : 2010/3 〜
Warning: file_get_contents(http://cal.syoboi.jp/db?Command=ProgLookup&TID=1903&Range=20120601_000000-20120801_000000&Fields=TID,StTime,Count,ChID,Deleted,Flag): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 530 Notice: Undefined variable: ProgCount in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 593
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1位 ズーブルズ! 1サイト / 100%
1位 スマイルプリキュア! 1サイト / 100%
1位 エリアの騎士 1サイト / 100%
1位 ポヨポヨ観察日記 1サイト / 100%
1位 おじゃる丸(第14シリーズ) 1サイト / 100%
1位 クレヨンしんちゃん 1サイト / 100%
1位 クッキンアイドル アイ!マイ!まいん! 1サイト / 100%
1位 キングダム 1サイト / 100%
1位 機動戦士ガンダムAGE 1サイト / 100%
1位 メタルファイト ベイブレード ZEROG 1サイト / 100%
1位 プリティーリズム・ディアマイフューチャー 1サイト / 100%
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1位 とっとこハム太郎(2012) 1サイト / 100%
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1位 戦国コレクション 1サイト / 100%
1位 パブー&モジーズ 1サイト / 100%
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1位 バトルスピリッツ 覇王 1サイト / 100%
1位 HUNTER×HUNTER(2011) 1サイト / 100%
1位 ポケットモンスター ベストウイッシュ シーズン2 1サイト / 100%
1位 名探偵コナン 1サイト / 100%
1位 ワンピース 1サイト / 100%
1位 ルパンIII世 テレビスペシャル 1サイト / 100%
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1位 SKET DANCE 1サイト / 100%
1位 チャギントン・シーズン2 1サイト / 100%
1位 トリコ 1サイト / 100%
1位 NARUTO -ナルト- 疾風伝 1サイト / 100%
1位 ななみちゃん 1サイト / 100%
1位 ドラえもん(新) 1サイト / 100%
1位 聖闘士星矢Ω 1サイト / 100%
1位 ズモモとヌペペ 1サイト / 100%
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1位 もやしもん リターンズ 1サイト / 100%
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1位 黒子のバスケ 1サイト / 100%
1位 銀河へキックオフ!! 1サイト / 100%
1位 ガッ活! 1サイト / 100%
1位 GON -ゴン- 1サイト / 100%
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1位 ジュエルペット きら☆デコッ! 1サイト / 100%
1位 しろくまカフェ 1サイト / 100%
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1位 カードファイト!! ヴァンガード アジアサーキット編 1サイト / 100%
1位 おじゃる丸(第15シリーズ) 1サイト / 100%
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1位 イナズマイレブンGO クロノ・ストーン 1サイト / 100%
1位 エウレカセブンAO 1サイト / 100%
1位 AKB0048 1サイト / 100%
1位 宇宙兄弟 1サイト / 100%
1位 アルカナ・ファミリア 1サイト / 100%


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Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 946 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 951
2010/12 75 / 75 0.0% 67 / 75 1.0% 1 / 75 ■
2011/01 63 / 64 0.0% 59 / 64 1.0% 1 / 78 ■
2011/02 64 / 65 0.0% 61 / 65 1.0% 1 / 78 ■
2011/03 65 / 66 0.0% 62 / 66 1.0% 1 / 77 ■
2011/04 87 / 90 0.0% 86 / 90 1.0% 1 / 70 ■
2011/05 78 / 78 0.0% 74 / 78 1.0% 1 / 61 ■
2011/06 78 / 78 0.0% 73 / 78 1.0% 1 / 62 ■
2011/07 80 / 80 0.0% 76 / 80 1.0% 1 / 67 ■
2011/08 74 / 74 0.0% 70 / 74 1.0% 1 / 63 ■
2011/09 76 / 76 0.0% 72 / 76 1.0% 1 / 63 ■
2011/10 86 / 86 0.0% 81 / 86 1.0% 1 / 58 ■
2011/11 80 / 81 0.0% 75 / 81 1.0% 1 / 55 ■
2011/12 80 / 80 0.0% 76 / 80 1.0% 1 / 56 ■
2012/01 86 / 91 0.0% 86 / 91 1.0% 1 / 60 ■
2012/02 86 / 86 0.0% 80 / 86 1.0% 1 / 55 ■
2012/03 91 / 92 0.0% 88 / 92 1.0% 1 / 59 ■
2012/04 109 / 111 0.0% 105 / 111 1.0% 1 / 53 ■
2012/05 99 / 99 0.0% 93 / 99 1.0% 1 / 52 ■
2012/06 96 / 96 0.0% 90 / 96 1.0% 1 / 53 ■
2012/07 95 / 95 0.0% 89 / 95 1.0% 1 / 47 ■
2012/08 87 / 93 0.0% 87 / 93 1.0% 1 / 47 ■
2012/09 88 / 95 0.0% 88 / 95 1.0% 1 / 48 ■
2012/10 92 / 99 0.0% 91 / 99 1.0% 1 / 42 ■
2012/11 92 / 99 0.0% 92 / 99 1.0% 1 / 44 ■
2012/12 98 / 104 0.0% 97 / 104 1.0% 1 / 44 ■
2013/01 101 / 108 0.0% 101 / 108 1.0% 1 / 43 ■
2013/02 96 / 103 0.0% 96 / 103 1.0% 1 / 43 ■
2013/03 103 / 103 0.0% 97 / 103 1.0% 1 / 45 ■
2013/04 126 / 126 0.0% 114 / 126 1.0% 1 / 41 ■
2013/05 109 / 113 0.0% 100 / 113 1.0% 1 / 41 ■
2013/06 107 / 109 0.0% 96 / 109 1.0% 1 / 43 ■
2013/07 113 / 121 0.0% 110 / 121 1.0% 1 / 43 ■
2013/08 116 / 117 0.0% 106 / 117 1.0% 1 / 43 ■
2013/09 125 / 129 0.0% 115 / 129 1.0% 1 / 43 ■
2013/10 119 / 120 0.0% 108 / 120 1.0% 1 / 40 ■
2013/11 116 / 117 0.0% 98 / 117 1.0% 1 / 42 ■
2013/12 108 / 117 0.0% 99 / 117 1.0% 1 / 42 ■
2014/01 106 / 113 0.0% 104 / 113 1.0% 1 / 37 ■
2014/02 102 / 109 0.0% 100 / 109 1.0% 1 / 36 ■
2014/03 105 / 110 0.0% 102 / 110 1.0% 1 / 34 ■
2014/04 111 / 111 0.0% 104 / 111 1.0% 1 / 30 ■
2014/05 107 / 107 0.0% 100 / 107 1.0% 1 / 27 ■
2014/06 110 / 110 0.0% 103 / 110 1.0% 1 / 27 ■
2014/07 108 / 110 0.0% 105 / 110 1.0% 1 / 27 ■
2014/08 106 / 107 0.0% 102 / 107 1.0% 1 / 27 ■
2014/09 107 / 108 0.0% 103 / 108 1.0% 1 / 27 ■
2014/10 100 / 104 0.0% 98 / 104 1.0% 1 / 25 ■
2014/11 102 / 103 0.0% 98 / 103 1.0% 1 / 25 ■
2014/12 104 / 105 0.0% 100 / 105 1.0% 1 / 25 ■
2015/01 104 / 105 0.0% 100 / 105 1.0% 1 / 23 ■
2015/02 103 / 106 0.0% 101 / 106 1.0% 1 / 23 ■
2015/03 98 / 101 0.0% 96 / 101 1.0% 1 / 22 ■
2015/04 105 / 107 0.0% 102 / 107 1.0% 1 / 22 ■
2015/05 100 / 101 0.0% 96 / 101 1.0% 1 / 22 ■
2015/06 101 / 102 0.0% 97 / 102 1.0% 1 / 22 ■
2015/07 109 / 112 0.0% 107 / 112 1.0% 1 / 22 ■
2015/08 108 / 109 0.0% 104 / 109 1.0% 1 / 22 ■
2015/09 104 / 107 0.0% 101 / 107 1.0% 1 / 22 ■
2015/10 119 / 120 0.0% 115 / 120 1.0% 1 / 21 ■
2015/11 103 / 103 0.0% 98 / 103 1.0% 1 / 21 ■
2015/12 101 / 102 0.0% 97 / 102 1.0% 1 / 21 ■
2016/01 100 / 101 0.0% 96 / 101 1.0% 1 / 21 ■
2016/02 97 / 98 0.0% 93 / 98 1.0% 1 / 21 ■
2016/03 91 / 92 0.0% 87 / 92 1.0% 1 / 21 ■
2016/04 74 / 76 0.1% 71 / 76 1.0% 1 / 17 ■
2016/05 69 / 69 0.1% 64 / 69 1.0% 1 / 17 ■
2016/06 69 / 69 0.1% 64 / 69 1.0% 1 / 17 ■
2016/07 90 / 92 0.1% 87 / 92 1.0% 1 / 17 ■
2016/08 86 / 88 0.1% 83 / 88 1.0% 1 / 17 ■
2016/09 94 / 96 0.1% 91 / 96 1.0% 1 / 17 ■
2016/10 81 / 83 0.1% 78 / 83 1.0% 1 / 17 ■
2016/11 114 / 118 0.1% 113 / 118 1.0% 1 / 17 ■
2016/12 114 / 118 0.1% 113 / 118 1.0% 1 / 17 ■
2017/01 89 / 92 0.1% 87 / 92 1.0% 1 / 17 ■
2017/02 86 / 90 0.1% 85 / 90 1.0% 1 / 17 ■
2017/03 95 / 97 0.1% 92 / 97 1.0% 1 / 17 ■
2017/04 99 / 99 0.1% 94 / 99 1.0% 1 / 14 ■
2017/05 96 / 98 0.1% 93 / 98 1.0% 1 / 14 ■
2017/06 92 / 94 0.1% 89 / 94 1.0% 1 / 14 ■
2017/07 110 / 111 0.1% 106 / 111 1.0% 1 / 14 ■
2017/08 105 / 106 0.1% 101 / 106 1.0% 1 / 14 ■
2017/09 104 / 105 0.1% 100 / 105 1.0% 1 / 14 ■
2017/10 87 / 88 0.1% 83 / 88 1.0% 1 / 14 ■
2017/11 85 / 87 0.1% 82 / 87 1.0% 1 / 14 ■
2017/12 98 / 100 0.1% 95 / 100 1.0% 1 / 14 ■
2018/01 87 / 88 0.1% 83 / 88 1.0% 1 / 14 ■
2018/02 81 / 84 0.1% 79 / 84 1.0% 1 / 14 ■
2018/03 79 / 81 0.1% 76 / 81 1.0% 1 / 14 ■
2018/04 83 / 85 0.1% 80 / 85 1.0% 1 / 13 ■
2018/05 82 / 82 0.1% 77 / 82 1.0% 1 / 13 ■
2018/06 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 480.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 480.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2018/07 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 480.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 480.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2018/08 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 820.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 820.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2018/09 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 830.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 830.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2018/10 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 780.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 780.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2018/11 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 820.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 820.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2018/12 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 800.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 800.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2019/01 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 930.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 930.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2019/02 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 850.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 850.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2019/03 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 790.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 790.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2019/04 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 820.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 820.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2019/05 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 670.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 670.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2019/06 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 660.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 660.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2019/07 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 650.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 650.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 4 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2019/08 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 680.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 680.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 4 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2019/09 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 680.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 680.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 4 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2019/10 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 670.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 670.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 4 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2019/11 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 640.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 640.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 4 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2019/12 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 260.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 260.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 4 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2020/01 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 780.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 780.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2020/02 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 750.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 750.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2020/03 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 700.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 700.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2020/04 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 620.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 620.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2020/05 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 580.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 580.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2020/06 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 570.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 570.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2020/07 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 550.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 550.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2020/08 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 520.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 520.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2020/09 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 660.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 660.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2020/10 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 810.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 810.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2020/11 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 750.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 750.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2020/12 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 700.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 700.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2021/01 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 740.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 740.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2021/02 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 710.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 710.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2021/03 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 790.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 790.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2021/04 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 710.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 710.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2021/05 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 640.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 640.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2021/06 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 730.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 730.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2021/07 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 630.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 630.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2021/08 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 600.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 600.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2021/09 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 620.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 620.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2021/10 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 680.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 680.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2021/11 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 620.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 620.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2021/12 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 640.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 640.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2022/01 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 600.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 600.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2022/02 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 560.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 560.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2022/03 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 570.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 570.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2022/04 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 650.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 650.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2022/05 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 560.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 560.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2022/06 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 550.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 550.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2022/07 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 590.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 590.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2022/09 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 480.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 480.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 2 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2022/10 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 510.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 510.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2022/11 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 540.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 540.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2022/12 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 540.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 540.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2023/01 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 660.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 660.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2023/02 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 680.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 680.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2023/03 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 640.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 640.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2023/04 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 640.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 640.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 2 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2023/05 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 580.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 580.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 2 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2023/06 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 590.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 590.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 2 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2023/07 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 590.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 590.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 2 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2023/08 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 530.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 530.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 2 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2023/09 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 600.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 600.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2023/10 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 700.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 700.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2023/11 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 700.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 700.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970
2023/12 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 944 - / 690.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 949 - / 690.0% Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 953 - / 3 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 962 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/base_element_function.php on line 88 Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 964 Notice: Undefined index: 1903 in /home/mikimomo/public_html/home/kanso/view_program.php on line 970